我们在游览Hurricane Ridge后大概2个多小时离开了Hurricane,下山的路依旧原路返回出山口,一路遇到无数骑车上山的小伙和姑娘,真是佩服这些美国孩子,1800多米的山全靠脚力骑车上来,我们老年人做不了这种事情了。
It’s a must-see spot in New York. The Statue of Liberty ascended the Island, starting from Battery Park Wharf. For the first time, pay attention to the fact that the Statue of Liberty is a cruise around the island, one is to visit the island, one can climb the base, to buy free travel products.
Today to see the Statue of Liberty, clear sky, sunny, the mood is very comfortable. For the United States, the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom from the old world of poverty and oppression, rushing to freedom and the dream, is the symbol of New York.
To say what is the most famous thing in New York, many people will say that the bronze bull on Wall Street, and some people will say that the Statue of Liberty is New.
The Statue of Liberty is located near the Hudson Estuary in New York City, New York, and is an important tourist attraction in the United States. For the thousands of immigrants coming to America, the Statue of Liberty was a guarantee from the old world of poverty and oppression, becoming a symbol of America.