美国游记 | 芝加哥碎片,美女带你游玩芝加哥
具有现代化的都会风貌的古城圣地牙哥市〈San Diego〉,拥有加州美丽的海滩丶森林与山脉。邻近城市有洛杉矶丶墨西哥的提瓦纳〈Tijuana〉以及远在内华达州的拉斯维加斯,交通非常方便。
A three-day tour of the city, inside the Statue of Liberty, never to follow the crowd. And Natural History Museum, Central Park, wax museum, etc. .
In 1984, the Statue of Liberty National Monument was inscribed on the World Heritage List. The Statue of Liberty has become a must-see when traveling to the United States. On May 22, 2018, a group of relatives and friends from Chongqing in the United States visited here.
When in New York , be sure to see the Statue of Liberty, just like climbing the Great Wall in Beijing. Standing like a giant dragon in the east, the Great Wall has become a symbol of the will, courage and strength of the Chinese nation, and a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
This was our second trip to New York, and we visited the Imperial Summer, Wall Street, Intrepid Aircraft Carrier, Statue of Liberty, Metropolitan Museum.