据说,Verona是意大利的第四大旅游地,地处意大利东北部的Veneto地区,是这一带的中心位置。 有两对朋友也在这里旅行,事先相约在此相会。于是有时一起聚餐,有时分头行动,有时无意在景点相遇,有了一段愉悦的经历。
据说,Verona是意大利的第四大旅游地,地处意大利东北部的Veneto地区,是这一带的中心位置。 有两对朋友也在这里旅行,事先相约在此相会。于是有时一起聚餐,有时分头行动,有时无意在景点相遇,有了一段愉悦的经历。
The candidate destinations are Los Angeles , Las Vegas and Yellowstone Park, and finally I chose to go to Las Vegas See the Grand Canyon , Antelope Canyon and Death Valley.
Flying to Vegas on the first day, car rentals and hotels are cheap.We are not interested in gambling, but this miracle in the desert and the amusement park of the Americans still bring us some surprises the hotel’s ceilings are painted the color of the sky.
After parking the car at Horseshoe Bay, you have to walk a small slope for about 5 minutes, and then there is such a scenic spot, see the picture.Take a photo at Horseshoe Bend, I feel like 20 minutes is enough, the next stop is Lower Antelope Canyon.
Overall, I am very satisfied with this trip. Vegas is a place where you can go many times, because there is no way to get enough of it all at once! The surrounding national parks all belong to the No Regrets series. If we have time, we still want to drive to Salt Lake City and Yellowstone , to Los Angeles .
A walk-and-go trip, experienced the luxury of Las Vegas, felt the hottest surface temperature in Death Valley, tried the steepest trail in Zion National Valley Park, admired the peculiar landscape of Horseshoe Bend, and marveled In the beautiful light and shadow of Antelope Canyon, I am impressed by the vastness and magnificence of the Grand Canyon.