美兮,美西。(美国西部自驾游记 二)
美国作家约翰缪尔(John Muir)1890年游历了大峡谷后写道,“不管你走过多少路,看过多少名山大川,你都会觉得大峡谷仿佛只能存在于另一个世界,另一个星球。”此言不虚。
美国作家约翰缪尔(John Muir)1890年游历了大峡谷后写道,“不管你走过多少路,看过多少名山大川,你都会觉得大峡谷仿佛只能存在于另一个世界,另一个星球。”此言不虚。
Coordinates New York, USA. This trip to the Midwest of the United States has a total of eight days. I went with my parents. On the way, I passed Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City, Arches National Park, Antelope Canyon, and Horseshoe Bend.
Arizona ‘s popular natural scenery is almost concentrated in the north, including Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley National Park and Grand Canyon National Park. For tourists who like to drive by themselves, this is undoubtedly good news. We can visit all the above-mentioned attractions together, and fully experience the original scenery of nature and the culture of Indians.
Writing travel notes here is also mainly to record the itinerary, I think the United States It is really possible to do it a few more times (if you have time), and you can go to different places in so many national parks. Even if you don’t refer to it in the future, it will be a very pleasant experience to look back.
1847年,摩门教在美国各地受到迫害与驱逐。领袖杨百翰 (Brigham Young)带领教徒四处迁徙,经过艰苦的长途跋涉,翻过重重雪山,终于来到一座雪山环绕的山谷。他们登上山顶,眺望着犹他州盐湖谷这片广袤的土地,不禁发出感叹:This is the place——这正是我们的梦想之地。于是他们走出马车,卸下行李,劈山建城,犹他州的首府——盐湖城由此诞生。