世界的尽头是什么样的?那里应该有一处悬崖、一座灯塔,浪花拍打浪花,海鸟遇见海鸟,乘着云层里透出的光就能到达。如果你也认可这样的“尽头”,那就来苏格兰天空岛(Isle of Skye)吧。
阿斯顿厅博物馆(Aston Hall Museum)位于英国伯明翰,建立在英国国家级保护建筑阿斯顿厅之上。1618 年至1635年间,托马斯·霍尔特男爵(Sir Thomas Holte)建造了阿斯顿厅及庄园,耗时17年。
The most beautiful national parks and some of the most beautiful natural features in the United States are mostly associated with the Rockies, which run from south to north across the continent, from Mexico to Canada. Today's focus is on the journey from Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon.
t. If you go to the Grand Canyon or Antelope Canyon from Las Vegas, you must find out the time difference, winter and summer time of the three major states involved. Otherwise, you may miss the CHECK IN time of Antelope Canyon or helicopter, or you may regret it when it is dark in the Grand Canyon…
Have been to the west and to the west of the people, schedule are not less than the Antelope Canyon stop. Everyone wants to see”The place touched by God” the legendary photography paradise. From Las Vegas, we get a sense of how shocking and amazing light and shadow can be in real life.