
发布:2017-03-10 02:04:38
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2016-11-30 09:13 Alwaystravel 阅读 0



--family visits

--official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations

--journalistic activity

--professional research and professional meetings

--educational activities

--religious activities

--public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions

--support for the Cuban people

--humanitarian projects

--activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes

--exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials

--and certain authorized export transactions.

符合上述类别的乘客只要签署一份"宣誓" (affidavit) 即可购买并搭乘前往古巴的航班。显而易见,普通观光活动不在此列,换句话说,旅游者不能搭乘上述商业航班。那么这些限制是否只针对美国公民或居民,中国游客不受限制呢?

有人特地联系了航空公司被告知中国游客不受限制,但是也有人联系了美国财政部所属的海外资产控制办公室 (OFAC),对方明确答复中国公民(游客) 与美国公民或居民一样不能以旅游者身份搭乘此类航班。

那持B1/B2类签证购买机票搭乘此类航班到底违不违反美国法律呢?美国国务院和财政部资料清楚显示“Tourist travel to Cuba is prohibited under U.S. law for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and others subject to U.S. jurisdiction.”,美国公民和居民外还有一项 "others subject to U.S. jurisdiction ",就是"受美国管辖的人"也不能作为旅游者搭乘上述航班前往古巴。

那什么是 "受美国管辖的人"?我们翻开《美国联邦法典》(CFR) 看看"31 CFR 515.329 - Person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.",其中有一条:

(b) Any person within the United States as defined in § 515.330;

那 § 515.330里规定了什么呢?

The term person within the United States, includes: 

(1) Any person, wheresoever located, who is a resident of the United States;

(2) Any person actually within the United States;

(3) Any corporation, partnership, association, or other organization organized under the laws of the United States or of any State, territory, possession, or district of the United States; and

(4) Any corporation, partnership, association, or other organization, wherever organized or doing business, which is owned or controlled by any person or persons specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(3) of this section.

其中第二条(2)规定了任何实际上在美国境内的人,都属于受美国管辖的人。所以,像青旅 、携程 、路路行等出售迈阿密-古巴直达航班产品的旅行社和旅游网站,行程策划者是多么无知,让游客身陷“违反美国法律”的风险。


